YBE in Schools - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community

YBE in Schools

The Young Biblical EntrepreneurTM In-School program is a business and leadership course based on the Bible for teens ages 11 to 18 designed to help students learn the principles, practices, and planning of entrepreneurship and economics from a biblical worldview. Some of the topics covered in the course include the purpose of wealth, attitude, character, identifying opportunities, taking calculated risks, Kingdom philanthropy, biblical economics, biblical invention and innovation, understanding financial statements, biblical management, organizing a business, financing a business, business planning, succession and exit strategy, and much, much more.

The course is designed in three parts, with each part being a semester or trimester long. Students write and defend real business plans, earn cash prizes, and have the option of receiving continuing support through an ongoing Young Biblical Entrepreneurship club.

Our goal is to provide Christian school principals and teachers with a solution that ensures that each of their students with entrepreneurship ambition and potential not only graduate knowing how to start a business but understand how to integrate their faith in the operation of their businesses.

For more information on how to bring this program to your school, email us at training@stg-nehemiah-542.ue1.rapydapps.cloud.

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