YBE Camp - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community

YBE Camp

The Young Biblical Entrepreneurâ„¢ (YBE) Camp is designed to teach youth about the benefits of entrepreneurship and how to start a business based on biblical principles. Through lectures, interactive discussions, games, and field trips, campers learn why economies are important, how to take calculated risks, the difference between a business that honors God and one that doesn’t, the essentials to creating a business plan, how to complete an industry analysis, how to develop a marketing strategy and much more!

Some of the camp activities include:

  • Earning or losing BE dollars, which are exchanged for U.S. dollars at the end of the camp
  • Touring a kingdom business
  • Developing and presenting business plans before local area business owners
  • Competing for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in a business plan competition
  • The opportunity to present business plans at the BE International Business Plan during Nehemiah Week

If you are interested in offering a camp at your organization, please contact us at training@stg-nehemiah-542.ue1.rapydapps.cloud.

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