Our global virtual conference is ongoing, and we already had Nehemiah Week 2022 Day 3! Did you miss it? No worries, we’ll quickly recap how things went down yesterday.
But first, sign up if you haven’t already and be part of this amazing event that brings together Kingdom business leaders from around the world. Our theme this year is Operational Excellence. We are seeking to discover how we can still operate in excellence despite the inflation, pandemic, and other economic uncertainties.
Nehemiah Week 2022 Day 3 highlights:
The day started with Pastor Anthony Moore, a member of Nehemiah Project’s Sustainable Church Initiative, reminding us that no matter what challenges we face in business, God is still in control.
Kingdom business leaders must remain close to God and seek His wisdom and direction, and that “We should have the kind of faith where God doesn’t have to convince us of His conviction.”
Grab a copy of the One Moore Minute Devotional Book at: https://stg-nehemiah-542.ue1.rapydapps.cloud/store/product/one-moore-minute-ebook/ and the Digital Devotional at: https://stg-nehemiah-542.ue1.rapydapps.cloud/store/product/one-moore-minute-digital-devotional/.
Operational Excellence- Part 2
The day’s conversation on Operational Excellence continued with a focus on developing systems, principles, and plans to keep us and our business strong despite difficult times.
Patrice Tsague, the Chief Servant Officer of the Nehemiah project picked up from where he left off in a continuation of his previous day’s presentation (see Nehemiah Week 2022 Day 2).
Patrice spoke about the importance of having the right people in place and setting up processes and procedures to help ensure that a business can weather any storm, “The same way buildings can be made earthquake-resistant, you can make your business and life resistant to external factors.”
“Best” Practices vs. Kingdom Practices: Same or Different?
The second guest speaker for the day was Scott Ryser, Founder, and CEO of Yakabod Inc.
Scott taught the difference between “best” practices and Kingdom practices. He encouraged us to seek first the Kingdom of God in our businesses and let Him guide our steps, rather than following the world’s idea of success.
Referencing his book ‘At Work As In Heaven,’ Mr. Ryser exhorted that Christians must “…run our businesses the same way things would work in heaven…,” and seek for God’s Kingdom to come and His will be done in our ‘kingdom’ (lower case ‘k’) as it is in heaven.
The Presence
Founder of Auntie Anne’s pretzels, Anne Beiler conversed with Patrice on the presence of God in our businesses. She detailed how her business started with prayer and how it continues to be fueled by prayer today.
From a place of deep, personal experience, Aunty Anne encouraged us to invite God into our businesses, not just as a guest but as a participant, declaring that, “Neglecting God’s presence as business owners is catastrophic.”
Adaptive Advantage
“In a marketplace with complex conditions and rapid change, adaptability trumps efficiency!” was the main takeaway from our fourth speaker of the day, Chuck Proudfit, a successful entrepreneur and the author of ‘At Work on Purpose.’
He spoke about how the most successful businesses are those that can adapt to change quickly.
Build the ICE! Don’t Break it!
The final challenge of the day was from Ana Maria Lowry, CEO of A&P International.
Stating that, “Loyalty to God, customers, and employees can make the difference between building and tearing down your business,” Ana Maria challenged business us to build systems that would encourage devotion and faithfulness from both employees and customers.
Nehemiah Week 2022 Day 3 was a power-packed day of learning and there are still three more days left!
The International Business Plan Competition (FREE) and The State of the Ministry where the Business Plan Competition winner is announced, are yet to come!
Register now: https://stg-nehemiah-542.ue1.rapydapps.cloud/nehemiah-week-2022/.
#OperationalExcellence #NehemiahWeek2022 #NehemiahProject #NehemiahECommunity #BiblicalEntrepreneurship #Training #Coaching #TransformingTheWorldTogether #KingdomBusiness