It is Just All Too Much: 5 Tips on How to Remain Efficient - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community

It is Just All Too Much: 5 Tips on How to Remain Efficient

In Community: We are Better, Stronger Together

The modern woman today is pulled in a million different directions. We are juggling work, family, social obligations, and trying to take care of ourselves. It can be overwhelming, and sometimes it feels like we are just treading water. It is just all too much!

In this episode of Take A Breath, Wendie and Debra discuss how they are finding creative ways to deal with the stress and anxiety of everything happening in the world. They also offer some tips on how you can find some calm amid the chaos.

Taking reference from the Proverbs 31 woman, they encourage women to take care of themselves so they can be well equipped to take care of others and manage everything they have going on in their lives.

“We cannot veer from operational excellence,” says Wendie. “We have to show up and do our best every day.”

Sometimes it means making difficult choices, prioritizing what’s important, and letting go of what’s not so that whatever we choose to do, we’ll do it with excellence. Prioritizing also helps you be in control of your time and not allow the demands of life to control you.

So, How Can You Be Efficient When It is Just All Too Much?

Have a schedule:

By keeping a schedule, you can better utilize your time and get more done in a day. This also helps with time management as you can plan out your day and know how much time you have for each task.

Identify and utilize your resources:

One of the most important things you can do to be effective is to delegate tasks. This may seem counterintuitive – after all, delegating means giving up some control. However, by identifying your resources and outsourcing certain tasks, you can free up your time to focus on other things. For example, if you’re a busy executive, you might delegate attendance at meetings to a trusted subordinate.

Delegating doesn’t mean giving up all control – it simply means identifying who can best handle certain tasks. By doing so, you can focus your energy on the things that only you can do, and make the most effective use of your time.

Set priorities:

Not everything on your to-do list is going to be urgent, so it’s important to set priorities and figure out what needs to be done first. This will help you better utilize your time and get the most important things done.

Take breaks:

It’s important to take breaks throughout the day to stay fresh and focused. If you try to work for hours on end without a break, you will likely find yourself getting less done as the day goes on. A break is a reset button for your mind and body, so make sure to use them wisely.

Have an accountability partner:

There’s no shame in admitting that it is just all too much and that you need a little help to stay on track. We all have moments when we need someone to give us a nudge in the right direction.

That’s why having an accountability partner can be so important. An accountability partner is someone who you can rely on to tell you when it’s time to take a break. They can provide much-needed encouragement when you’re struggling and help you stay focused when things get overwhelming.

If you’re feeling like it is just all too much, make sure you have an accountability partner who can help you to stay on track. Having someone in your corner will make all the difference.

This year’s theme on Nehemiah Week is Operational Excellence! What does this mean for us? It means that we will strive to be the best versions of ourselves in all that we do. We will aim to operate with excellence in everything we do, from how we treat others to the quality of our work. We want to be known not only for what we do but for how well we do it.

Join us for this event as we explore what it means to operate with excellence in all areas of our lives. We’ll be learning from some amazing guest speakers and hope to see you there. Register today on our website to be part of this incredible event!

#NehemiahProjectInternational #WomeninBusiness #ECommunity #BiblicalEntrepreneurship


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