Christian Employers Alliance - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community

Christian Employers Alliance

The Gift of Business

Christian Employers Alliance works to ensure that the Christian conservative organizational movement reflects the diversity of Christ’s body in this kingdom.

After coming across a roadblock that required both faith-based and non-faith-based organizations to pay for abortion and abortion-inducing drugs, Christian employers banded together to form the Christian Employers Alliance to act as a voice for Christian employers.

When it comes to values and policy, Christian Employers Alliance is the voice of those Christian and biblical values in the policy space and the legal arena.

The Christian Employers Alliance also serves as a means of protection for Christian employers in a world where opposing the dominant ethos is fraught with hostility. In today’s society, Christians are frequently reviled for upholding biblical principles. They are not understood, so Christian Employers Alliance stands in that legal space and protects the rights of its members, allowing them to remain anonymous and protected from harsh judgment.

The Christian Employers Alliance adds value to employers seeking to reflect God in their businesses not only as a legal organization but also by providing practical tools to help them feel more confident. This is accomplished by bringing together Christian employers to protect religious freedom while also providing opportunities for employees, businesses, and communities to thrive.

Shannon Royce, Chief Executive Officer of the Christian Employers Alliance, claims that even while representing the needs of the Christian workforce, the Christian Employers Alliance represents Christians fairly without looking down on the needs and beliefs of other religions.

One of the things that this company does, depending on the size of the company, is that they have a health plan that serves the larger members, but they are working on creating health plans for members with 50 to 100 employees and even those with fewer employees to better serve them.

Having said that, the Nehemiah Project International Ministries is partnering with Christian Employers Alliance for a Religious Freedom Forum for Christian employees to educate its members on how to preserve and protect their religious freedom, as well as techniques to avoid falling into legal trappings.

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