At work as in Heaven: One CEO’s journey to make Sunday matter to Tuesday, a book by Scott Ryser is based on what Scott has seen God do in His business rather than theory, revelation, or study.
While at work, Scott has largely focused on the challenges of living out his faith every day and . In the process of starting his company, Scott named it Yakabod, which means “God’s glory,” posing the question, “Is it even possible for a business to give God glory?”
Most entrepreneurs struggle to strike a balance between work and God, which is where At Work as in Heaven comes in to assist and support them. It is an engrossing story about Scott’s decades-long quest to discover this particular thing, and what he learned through the ups and downs, feast and victory, twist and turn, could very well change your company and your Tuesday as well.
This book contains a practical guide to assist Christian business leaders who are attempting to live out their faith at work, a paradigm shifting approach to Christian marketplace ministry, and a transparent story driven business wisdom that benefits those of our faith perspective.
According to Scott Ryser, building or sustaining a business in God’s ways begins with an intentionality to resolve and shift accordingly. This entails shifting from doing things with God to doing things for God.
Every entrepreneur’s journey should make Sunday matter on Tuesday, just as it does in heaven. Normally, we hear about Sunday on Monday, but what difference does it make on Tuesday? We all know that Tuesday is just another ordinary day, but we must still have faith in our work. It is not just doing church stuff in the office, but also working in a way that glorifies God and being able to partner with Him in everything you do, that we as Christians isolate ourselves.
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