Bill Gates, in his famous Ted Talk, stated “everyone needs a coach.” Coaching is not only necessary, it is an essential investment for business and organizational success.
Retired Burgerville Chairman and Serve with Love author, Tom Mears, hired a coach as soon as he became CEO of the company. He claims he would have never been able to accomplish all he has – taking the company to over $100 million a year in revenue and transforming the company into an iconic brand in the Pacific Northwest – without the guidance of his coaching team.
What is Business Success Accelerator?
The reality is, not everyone can afford a coach. As an alternative to one-on-one coaching, the Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community has developed an affordable coaching solution called Business Success Accelerator (BSA). BSA makes coaching accessible to everyone.
Business Success Accelerator (BSA) is a peer-to-peer transformational business coaching program that offers a cost-effective coaching solution for entrepreneurs at any growth stage through a joint learning environment. BSA helps members achieve sustainable business growth balanced by strong values and relational equity.

BSA™ is facilitated by experienced certified Kingdom Business Coaches™. They meet once a month live or online for a 12-month period for 3 hours per session. Members participate in best practice education on various topics such as understanding the business scorecard, team development, strategic planning, marketing, and financial development, as well as discuss strategic issues concerning their practice and their lives.
Our Proven Business Coaching Certification System

Membership ranges from 6 to 12 members per group and members are matched with an accountability partner with whom they meet in between meetings. They also have monthly individual sessions with a Kingdom Business Coach. Members can join at any time as long as there is availability in the group. Members are bound together through trust, a membership covenant, a common vision, and shared values. BSA Groups are currently available in the United States, Mexico, Madagascar, Congo, Kenya, France, Malaysia, and will soon be available in other markets around the world.
Cost: $600 per month (payment options available)
Rates vary in each country
For more information, please contact

When you reflect on your childhood, who would be the three most influential people in shaping who you are today? Most likely a teacher or coach was somewhere on the list. As adults, all top performers have many coaches and teachers. How else would they perform better than the competition without them?
What would having a coach enable you to achieve this year? Patrice helps you set spiritual, personal, business and sales goals, and helps you hit them. He offers ways to improve your strategies, thinking, mindset, and how to amplify the wins and quickly get past the losses.
Working with Patrice has helped me live a better life with my family, develop a tremendous team, double revenue in three years, and continue to grow by 20%-25%, no matter what the market is doing.
David Witter
Founder and CEO, Financial Harvest Wealth Advisors